Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Hills Are Alive....

On the whole, I would say that my experience living in St. Louis has only increased my loyalty to the great state of Virginia. I am convinced that the Shenandoah Valley is the best and most beautiful place to live in the United States. Some of that might have to do with the fact that so many people I love live there, but the mountains sure don't hurt. Being away has made me realize how much VA truly is home, relationally and geographically.

In spite of all this, St. Louis has its perks. One perk I had heard tell of before and experienced first hand this evening is The Muny. The Muny is an outdoor theater located in Forest Park (another perk- awesome park with a free zoo, among other things). They put on seven plays that run one week each every season. As you may have guessed from the title of my entry, tonight I went to see The Sound of Music. It was wonderful!! The leads all have been on Broadway, and they were incredible. If you get there early enough, there are free seats, or if you like to roll in right before the show, you can buy a $9.00 ticket and still get a pretty decent seat to a Broadway quality production. Sure beats paying $10.50 to go to the movies!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Let's Try This Again...

Clearly I am not great at this blogging thing. I forgot the name of my blog and did not know how to find it to post again, and then magically rediscovered it a few days ago. I am not very technologically inclined and if you read this then you are probably really committed to knowing what's going on with Drew and me, because I have not yet reached a level of sophistication to do anything snazzy like take pictures and post them (yes, in my world, that is snazzy). Sorry! Maybe when we have kids...

If you had told me when I posted a year ago where we would be today, I would have laughed in your face. So much has happened in a year! Drew is switching from the MDIV to a Master of Arts in Educational Ministries, which means that both of us will graduate in May of 2011. Crazy. When we arrived in St. Louis we expected to be here for four years, and it is wild to think we will be leaving so soon. We really have made some wonderful friends here, and we will be very sad to leave them in a little less than a year.

Once we graduate we hope to return to the Land of Milk and Honey (that glorious commonwealth that is Virginia) and start raising support to go overseas with World Harvest Mission. It may surprise some of you who we have not kept up with much that we are actually hoping to join a team in Camden Town, London. Camden Town is something of a hub for people on the fridges of mainstream society. I visited for a day the summer I lived in London, but to be honest I don't remember too much about it- except that the markets were really cool. Our hope is to go and live life with the people of Camden Town, build meaningful relationships there, participate in community life, and to be a blessing to them as a response to God's graciously blessing us in Christ and making us his very own children. We want to love people whom Christians often despise, hurt, and reject, and to share the gospel through both our words our lives. We have talked some with the Camden team leader and hope to meet him in person later this year. After that meeting we will probably try to plan a trip to Camden sometime in the Spring or early Summer. We are very excited about this possibility and trust that God will continue to lead us as we try to determine where we are called.

That kind of covers a big picture update. I will try to post more often with tidbits about our life here in STL...